The Indian Embassy Residance

Almost all surfaces reflects this characther with their materials of different texture and color. It also provides contrast which is easily seen between the white strips of painted concrete and the polished wood surfaces of ceiling.
With it's exposed concrete on vertical facade elements more recent embassy building has a more brutal expression. It is square block, seemed as an overall mass, three-storey high atrium has sky light from above. This atrium is surrounded by overlooking galleries where offices are lined up along. On the building's overall charachter an unique nature was given to it thanks to Eldem's play with proportions. There is an attempt to constitute a harmony with the old building as seen in the infill parapet walls under the windows which are faced with yellow ceramic tile. Again a contrasting color scheme is dominated in interior design; white structural frame versus infill walls and parapets contrasted with the same yellowish ceramic tile.
Bozdoğan S, Özkan S, Yenal Y. (2005) Sedad Eldem Architect In Turkey Literatür Yayınları
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