
With the influence of nationalist currents of the time starting after second monarchy period of Ottoman, a search for the Turkish architecture which has a national charachter began. This period dominated during the latest period of Ottomans and also include the early period of Turkish republic was named as First National Architecture Period significant figures of this era were domes, vault and ornament forms imported from traditional religious buildings. During the ten years phase after 1930, some strong influences of western architecture can be found in new concrete buildings. This trend was faced with a new national movement after 1939, Second National Architecture period which protect its existence until 1950s. After 1950 Turkish architecture adapted the new modernist trends of world . This adaptation was nourished from modern western architecture, and led to a new variety in forms. In this blog you can find information about three important examples of the architecture of early republic period including some photographs, plans and sketches and also brief information about architects.

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